Three months ago we started to develop a new version of our website. Finally we can share our delight.

You’ve probably already seen that we completely revamped our website and uploaded it on our servers at the beginning of last week. During the last couple of days we corrected some last spelling mistakes (thanks for the overwhelming feedback!) and optimized the speed of our new and shiny site. We moved all images to the cloud, so you can enjoy the full experience, no matter where you live or currently are.
We are very excited to finally share months of hard work with the whole world!
You’ll perhaps ask why it took so long to redesign just a few pages? I can tell you that it was a lot more behind the scenes than is visible to you. We completely redesigned every already existing page and added a bunch of new pages, so you can get more information and enjoy other benefits, too. It’s easier for you to decide if you want to buy one of our apps, because every app has its own page now. You can take a look at the beautiful screenshots and read more about the functionality. Furthermore all of our apps have a completely new and distinct support page. All of those pages have a contact form so that you can get in touch with us easier and faster than ever before. We set a high value on great and friendly support and we think that we’ve once again raised the bar higher.
During the redesign we especially focused on aesthetics, an easy to understand navigation and high quality. All attributes combined stand not only for our high attention to detail, but also the love and work that is represented through all of our products. I.e. you can browse our site without any concessions on your Mac, iPhone, iPad and even on a PC. We made sure that every page looks great in Safari, Chrome, Firefox 3.6 and newer, Internet Explorer 7 and newer, and even Opera. Above all we also improved the code behind the scenes so that it will be a lot easier to maintain our website. We’ll also have more time to focus on all of our current apps and some yet to be announced secret projects.
Another important milestone was to completely localize the site in two languages: English and German. This was no easy job, but the rewards are astonishing. At the end we counted 42 pages with different content, graphics and structure (without counting the imprint).
After we finished our work on the website, we’ll focus again on updates for all of our apps. Last friday we’ve already submitted an updated version of Limits, that should be in the App Store in the next couple of days. My wife and I are very glad to develop & deliver faster and with a higher quality.
You are welcome to browse through our new website. Please get in touch with us, when you have further questions, suggestions or other improvements.