Control at Your Fingertips.
Limits is a tracker for everyday data on your iPhone and iPod touch.
Keep an eye on everything in your life. Collect data like expenses, your weight, call time, or hours spent on Twitter. Do a sophisticated analysis to reveal the bigger picture.

Graphical Overview.
Get an idea where your life is heading. Follow and control data from one place. Smart status bars help you to check current items.
Every status bar has four easy to remember colors so you can track either posivite or negative values. You see your data points with familiar green and red colors. If you are under a certain value the bar gets even blue.

Fast & Easy Input.
It’s easy to navigate through the whole app. Enter new data points directly from the overview screen of an item. All relevant data fits on one screen so you see everything at a glance.
Thanks to the fast data entry, Limits is your companion for everyday life.

Keep an Eye on Your Progress.
Set yourself goals and track your achievements. Tap on the last item in the history overview to explore all previous data points.
All items let you take a look at your commitment and overall progress.